We contribute to the sector’s development, by assisting the leading telecoms and media brands in Europe.
Our vision of the sector.
The widespread adoption of remote working has unveiled the essential role of the sector in our new ways of working, as usage continues to increase in a sustained manner. In the race for broadband, it will also be essential to deal with the GAFAM in order to offer new services and optimise capacities.
The telecoms sector must now act on a European level, the market is entering a hyper-consolidation phase centred around the leading European operators that will set an example for other telecoms world leaders, and competition is in full swing.
The end of lockdowns has led to an uptick in POS and roaming turnover. However, the situation in France remains under strict economic constraints with regulated pricing and significant investment in 5G and fibre optic.
The future big operators have entered a crucial phase of large-scale restructuring while maintaining their infrastructures at the highest level and moving towards Green IT.
5G is the stepping stone towards hyper-intelligent, hyper-performing networks to provide value-added services and meet the significant increase in remote activities.
Diversification remains uncertain, and activities such as banking or payments could be called into question in the medium term. Finally, there is a general trend towards telecommunication hyper-specialisation and accelerated development of business service entities.
” The role of operators is an increasingly important vector for building complete B2B services that cover telephony, the web, the cloud, cybersecurity and other related services. It is the way forward to easily meet the needs of large companies at a European or global level, and it is no longer an end in itself. “