With its historical roots in insurance, TAGH develops all its expertise with major players in the sector to guide, support and secure their digital transformation and innovation projects.
Our vision of the sector.
The insurance sector is now showing exceptional vitality, driven both by the tech companies and a global context of rising concern, which is pushing individuals and companies to better protect themselves. Faced with vital challenges, insurers must develop their business models, improve and innovate continuously.
We’re still living in stressful times, and the insurance sector has just gone through a major learning curve. Firstly an entirely digital approach no longer appeals to most customers who prefer a reassuring, one-on-one relationship with their insurers. At the same time, the new, younger, more digitally-aware demographic expects responsive and streamlined insurance services with a strong focus on self-care.
In all cases, most customers feel they are poorly or insufficiently covered in the face of real risks, particularly cyber risks that now affect anyone using digital technologies. New requirements are therefore emerging, meaning insurance products are being quickly developed, with Insurtech companies leading the way.
New mobility and environmental concerns have added to this unprecedented landscape, where insurers will have to redouble their efforts if they are to provide innovative and better-targeted products. The insurance world has never been better off than it is today, with record results and an upward trend expected to continue in the coming years.
” Nowadays, people are more autonomous and connected; they expect an immediate reply, anywhere and at any time, via any mobile device. They have more targeted and direct insurance queries, are after products with real added value, and expect quickly-provided solutions.”